Title: Big Fish Eat Little Fish  Artist: Pieter van der Heyden (Netherlandish, ca. 1525–1569)
Title: Big Fish Eat Little Fish Artist: Pieter van der Heyden (Netherlandish, ca. 1525–1569)

What Do We Do?

  1. Nonlinear dynamic system and its application in biology
  2. Investigating fishing effects on fish populations in the context of a changing climate 
  3. Investigating human disturbance on lake ecosystems in the context of a changing climate
  4. Plankton ecology and its role in the marine foodweb 
  5. Community structures along a gradient of disturbance

    See more details about our research!  

To prospective students

I will be happy to work with anyone who is SERIOUS about science and life. All undergraduate, master, and Ph.D. students will be treated as Ph.D. students; that is, you are expected to be independent to some degree.

Oceanography is not the only subject that we can work on together. Students with interests in all aspects of ecology are welcome. Students with non-biology major are very welcome, especially if you can bring in new ideas for ecological studies and carry out multidisciplinary research. 

 You are free to choose any system or method to carry out your research as long as it is interesting. If the system that you are interested in is beyond my knowledge, I will do my best to find you a co-advisor who is expert on that system. Students will be trained with quantitative skill in my lab.

To prospective postdocs

No requirement, as long as you do interesting science. I assume that you can work as an independent researcher.


Biological Oceanography

Mathematics for Life Scientists 

Biological Modeling

Computer-Intensive Statistics in Ecology

Fundamentals of Ocean Statistics

Chih-hao Hsieh's LAB 
版權所有 2022
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