Research Directions

I. Nonlinear dynamics

II. Fisheries

III. Biological oceanography around Taiwan

IV. Climate change and lake ecology

V. Community structure changes in response to disturbance

VI. Zooplankton ecology

Being able to forecast into future is one of the ultimate goals of science. If so, conversely, forecast capability may be used effectively to examine system dynamics.

II. Fisheries


Separating the effects of environmental variability from the impacts of fishing has been elusive but is essential for sound fisheries management. As the fisheries management policy moved toward an ecosystem approach, it is important to understand interactive effects of fishing and climate.

Understanding synergistic effects of climate change and anthropogenic impacts is a topical issue in lake systems. Using 40-year long phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish time series data along with physical and chemical measurements, we study the effects of climate and eutrophication in Lake Biwa, Japan.I cooperate with Fuh-Kao Shiah...

Automatic zooplankton classification system with ZooScan and FlowCam.Size spectrum and size-trophic relationship as a novel approach to study trophodynamics in plankton foodwebs.Environmental effects on zooplankton feeding and growth.Mortality of Calanus pacificus in the southern California area and study the causes of the mortality(with Mark Ohman...

Chih-hao Hsieh's LAB 
版權所有 2022
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