V. Community structure changes in response to disturbance


I am interested in understanding how and why community structure changes along a gradient of disturbance (e.g. pollution).

  1. We study the microbial community in the gut of small mammals and microbial biogeography in the seas around Taiwan (with Hon-Tsen Yu, Inst. Zool., NTU)  
  2. We are compiling field data and investigating patterns of communitystructure in response to disturbance. We aim to develop theory to explain the observed patterns. The theory and approaches can beapplicable to examine environmental quality and ecosystem conservation. Thisproject has being carrying out together with Norio Yamamura (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan) and Takeshi Miki (Ryukoku Univ., Japan), Michio Kondoh (Ryukoku Univ., Japan), and Kei Tokita (Osaka Univ., Japan). 
Chih-hao Hsieh's LAB 
版權所有 2022
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